21Hz Air Pressure Shockwave Therapy
The shockwave therapy equipment is based on the technology of unfocused low energy radial waves, which is a kind of acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and fibrous or myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions.
This energy promotes healing, regenerating and reparative processes of the tendons and soft tissue. The unfocused low energy radial waves scientifically proved to have a large impact on collagen structure and the skin connective tissue, improving blood circulation and the metabolism of fat cells. The mechanical massage effect reduces the edema and improves the lymphatic drainage of toxins. It stimulates collagen formation, while the skin becomes more elastic and its firmness is visible after only a few treatments.
Shock Wave for ED Therapy
Most men suffering from erectile dysfunction have vascular problems affecting the vessels that supply blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, resulting in a decreased ability to develop and maintain an erection.The end result is an inadequate blood-flow followed by premature draining of an already reduced amount of blood from the cavernous bodies, meaning an erection is not achieved. Shockwave Therapy for ED of this type can be a highly effective treatment. The shockwaves are focused onto the area to be treated creating new blood vessels in penile tissue, enabling patients to achieve and maintain firm spontaneous erections.
What is shock treatmentShock wave is a powerful and effective treatment in reducing cellulite, tightening and firming as well as smoothing of the skin.
shock wave can be used as a standalone application or in cunjuction with other fat removal or skin tightening treatments to accelerate results.
Shockwave Machine Effects
Cellular: Increase in cell membrane transmittance by improving ionic channels activity,stimulation of cell division, stimulation of cellular cytokines production.Reproduction of vessels in the area of tendons and muscles: lmprovement of blood circulation,increase in concentration of growth factor beta 1 , chemotactic and mitogenic effect on osteoblasts. Effect on nitrogen oxide system: Bone healing and remodelling. lmprovement of mocro-circulation and metabolism. Dissolution of calcified fibroblasts. supports the production of collagen.>Reduction in tissue tension. Analgesic effect.
Application of the shockwave
1. Shoulder pain, calcific tendonitis;
2. Radial or ulnar humeral epicondylitis;
3. Trochanteric tendinitis;
4. Waist pain or pygalgia;
5. Patellar tendonitis;
6. Tibial stress syndrome;
7. Achillodynia;
8. Plantar fascitis.
9. fat reduction
10. erectile dysfunction